Binary Software, Inc. Orders and registrations only:
2118 Wilshire Blvd Suite 900 Phone: (800) 8-BINARY (824-6279)
Santa Monica, CA 90403 or: (310) 449-1481
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Internet email:
CompuServe email: 74220,3377
America Online email: BINARY SW
• Shareware: $10
◊ This program is distributed as shareware: if you use it please honor the shareware system by sending $10 U.S. to Binary Software at the address above. You can email, fax, snail-mail, or call. When registering please specify the name and version of this program as well as your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, fax number, and your credit card number and expiration date (we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover). You can also pay with a check, money order, or cash.
◊ Binary Software is only collecting the registrations on my behalf; please contact me directly by email for any information, suggestion, permission, or request about this software. If you want to send non-U.S. cash or any other material including software, books, magazines, CD-ROMs or any hardware, please send it to me at my Italian address. If you do so, however, you should also notify me by email because I only receive my snail mail once per month.
◊ If you can’t afford to register you may still want to send Binary Software your name, address and email address so they can send you new product announcements and other special offers.
◊ Site licenses and group discounts are available for 5 or more registrations. Please check my ftp site or send email for more information.
◊ Please register: your support is the only way for me to keep working on cool shareware programs.
• Introduction
◊ DragAnyWindow is a control panel that allows you to easily move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard "Open" and "Save" dialogs, game windows and other non-movable windows. It also lets you bring back to the desktop any window that has gone out of sight, or center the front window on the main screen with a single keystroke. It is very useful for old applications designed for the 9" screen (which often use fixed windows) and for moving modal dialogs and windows behind them. This is what you see when you drag a modal dialog with DragAnyWindow:
◊ DragAnyWindow gives you three different ways to change a window’s position. A drag takes place when you click on any part of a window while holding the drag keys down; a gray outline follows the mouse until the button is released, then the window is moved to its new location. This works on both frontmost and background windows, as long as they belong to the active application. If the window is not visible, you may force it to jump to the current mouse location by holding down the jump keys and clicking on any part of the screen; the frontmost window is immediately centered around the current mouse location and keeps following the mouse as a gray outline until the button is released. The last way to get your window where you want it is to center it on the main screen with a single keystroke.
◊ Please note that jump and center only work on the frontmost window. If there are other windows in front of an invisible one you won't be able to move it, so try closing them before.
• Instructions
◊ You may configure DragAnyWindow by opening its control panel; the following options are available:
◊ [Drag] The Drag checkbox lets you turn window dragging on and off; the modifier key checkboxes let you choose which modifier keys will activate window dragging upon a mouse click. Please note that the command key checkbox can’t be unchecked because dragging background windows wouldn’t work without it.
◊ [Jump] Works pretty much like Drag, except you can check or uncheck the command key checkbox as you like.
◊ [Center] The check box lets you turn the hot key on and off. Clicking on the key combination field brings up a dialog where you can change the hot key itself.
◊ [Show startup icon] If this checkbox is on, DragAnyWindow shows an icon during the startup process.
• Installation
◊ System 7: Move the DragAnyWindow control panel to your Control Panels folder (inside the System folder) and restart your Macintosh. Open the Control Panels folder and double click on DragAnyWindow’s icon to configure it.
◊ System 6: Move the DragAnyWindow control panel inside your System folder and restart your Macintosh. Open the Control Panel desk accessory to configure it.
◊ DragAnyWindow only uses 1.5K of system memory on 68K Macs and 4K on Power Macs.
• Version history
◊ 3.2.1 - Recompiled with CodeWarrior 9 and updated documentation.
◊ 3.2 - Reduced memory requirements to 1.5K for 68K Macs and 4K for Power Macs (used to be 3K and 6K); added support for the INITGestalt 1.0 proposal by Jeremy Roussak and Rene G.A. Ros.
◊ 3.1.1 - Optimized PowerPC code, added pictures and a contents menu to the online docs.
◊ 3.1 - FAT version! Installs fat patches on Power Macs to run at top speed in all situations.
◊ 3.01 - Recompiled with latest version of the compiler and updated documentation.
◊ 3.0 - Added a hot key to center the front window on the main screen (thanks to Gary S. Huvard for the suggestion).
◊ 2.0 - This version was completely rewritten and uses a different method to work its magic. The Finder and modal dialogs can no longer see DragAnyWindow’s mouse clicks.
◊ 1.1 - DragAnyWindow can now bring invisible windows back to the desktop; the key combinations may be configured in the control panel.
◊ 1.01 - Added support for system 7 default items calls.
◊ 1.0 - First public release on 3"1/2 Mac Disk Magazine.
◊ All online services and bulletin boards may make it available to their users at no charge other than the normal connection fees.
◊ All non-profit user groups may distribute it at no charge.
◊ All magazines may publish it on floppy disk or CD-ROM without asking me first, as long as I get a copy of the issue containing my software.
◊ All CD-ROM shareware collections and CD-ROM magazines may include it without my prior consent, as long as I get either a copy of the CD-ROM or an offer to buy the CD-ROM at a discounted price.
◊ All redistribution companies such as Pacific HiTech, AMUG, Celestin or Educorp may distribute it, as long as I get a copy of each media containing my software and a catalog of the company’s offerings (where applicable).
◊ You may find the latest version of all my shareware and freeware programs by anonymous ftp to, inside the /software/mac/LMontalcini directory. The ALM Share and ALM Free packages, which contain most of my stuff and can be registered at a very low price, are also available there.
• Disclaimer
◊ This software should never cause any damage, but you’re using it at your own risk. As an independent software developer, I can make no warranties whatsoever on it.
• Have fun!
◊ And don’t forget to register your shareware, so that more cool inexpensive utilities can see the light in the future.